Price of Freedom Monument

The Patriots of the Military Order of the Purple Heart Chapter 1836 in San Antonio Texas, requested the construction of a Price Of Freedom Monument. The Monument is scheduled to be erected in the summer of 2024 at the VFW Post 9186 located 650 E White, San Antonio, Texas.

The Monument will honor and represent all Texans who were killed during war, wounded in combat and served in the military. It will commemorate service members from Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

The monument depicts three war veterans representing the combat wounded from all branches: Army * Marines * Air Force * Navy * Coast Guard *

The Figure on the left is a female Desert Storm * Iraq * Afghanistan Warrior following the tradition of those that came before her. The figures are holding on to each other, no matter the war, we are a band of brothers and sisters.

The center figure represents a Vietnam War Warrior wounded and confused at his treatment upon arrival back home.

The figure on the right is a Korean warrior wounded and proud to have served his country.

In front to the monument two Battle Field Crosses representing a WW1 and a WWII veterans. The Crosses will be erected symbolizing those Warrior's that made the ultimate sacrifice.

The Foundation will be at ground level. The Monument pedestal will be approximately 36 inches in hight.

Chapter 1836 Monument team members:

Commander: Tony Roman, in charge of the project

Life Member: Joe Alvarez, Mechanical Engineer

Webmaster: Luis Reyna